Friday, 15 November 2013

Meaningful fb post :D

你可以减肥 化妆 买漂亮衣服
你也要相信有一个人 会因为内心而爱上你
他也会看见你喜欢你 取悦你

好男人 就不许女人改变自己
他会用爱 让你骄傲起来

只要遇见一个 这么爱你的人 就已经足够了 ;)

Saturday, 12 October 2013

im back!

Im your princess ♥

Saying 'im back' for n times ahaha! 
Lack of updates make me feeling bad :(

Oh ya! Having my one week holiday now!:D
I gonna have some rest!!

There is still a mid term after the holiday.
Stats! I must do well in this.
My aim for this subject. Gooooo!

So assignments are waiting me.
I dont know whats the point it is a holiday when everyone of us has to rush for coursework! 
Breath ~

I need more datings! :p
And im back to tetris again. A tetris date every night! ♡

Kaythxbye! Thats all for today!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Lets do it!

Random update random writing. A random sunday that i stay home, just to do all the tutorial work :@ Feel like wanna go shopping, buying pretty clothes and lovely bracelets :p

Blogging really helps in relieving stress i guess :B At least i feel much more better than before. Super stress because of the law class -.- Chill plssss! Love you for the encouragement when im always bekcek :@

Lets have a short summary for my recent life. Studying for sem 2 is stress! STRESS STRESS STRESS and a bit lazyyy ish :/ Okay will plan better! I find there is a big difference when i work hard and when i din! So i promise i will do my work faster!:D

Have been complaining everything about study here. Arghhh so useless -.- Taking 4 subjects in this sem,so it should be much easier and relaxing then last sem but NOOOOO! Till now, i understand why everyone is saying uni life is tough! There are too many pro-s and ppl who love to act !@$%$!% Ewww i hate it so much! Just simply be yourself kay! :3

Watching "Love buffet" while doing work and it makes me laugh like a siao :p Funny scenes funny interaction and ah yi so cool so nice!;) 

Will blog about outings soon hehe! Lot of pics gonna up :P Hello my love diary <3

Looking forward to tmr! Monday monday (y) Buai buai! 11 hours later 8)

Friday, 20 September 2013

Specially for you guys :D

伤离别 离别虽然在眼前
说再见 再见不会太遥远


好吧 没有draft啦 可是不可以那样讲我 :@
我真的有在忙很多事情 所以没有时间好好写给你们的post的! :OO

现在做law tutorial做到很bekcek了 就跑上来写了
看看看! 我还有有你们的心! :P

真的很抱歉 没有去送机
 我不知道以后会不会遗憾 我最好的朋友们飞了 我却在家里 没有送机
不过我确定 不管有没有去 我还是给你们最真挚的祝福 希望一切顺利
等你们到的时候真的很烦 一直在想要多久 LOL

忘了拥抱 一个不用言语的祝福
我欠你们一个拥抱哦 哈哈 
回来马来西亚就可以领了 不过条件是我要纪念品 :B
好啦 开玩笑的 :P

时间很快 三个星期了
你们去台湾三个星期了 我不知道有什么感觉哦
一直在台湾都出去的你们 除了每天bojio我 虽然就算jio了也不可能见
还是尽量jio我 pleaseeeeeeeeeeee! :@

yumcha yumcha要等到明年一月了 好久好久
可是没办法 我也只能等了 而且我的生日 也没有你们opps :(
所以 我还真的有没有想念 我不知道耶 
脑海里就是 我很久很久都不能见到你们罢了 T_T

可是多了whatsapp group 我就觉得很不错
至少有时候可以spam一下 讲一下废话
那种感觉就像 你们还在马来西亚 没有离开 没有到很远的台湾吧
至少我觉得 这份友谊还在 
虽然我一直觉得你们去了台湾会忘记我啦! D:
那么久不见 那么就不讲话 那么就没有联络
所以我很喜欢whatsapp 不过我可以想象当大家都开始忙碌了

没办法 你们在我中学生生涯里太重要了
重要到文字形容不了 所以请一定要记得和我连络!
阿不然 那天我会emo到我自己也不知道是怎样的状况 :@

要记得想我 和我说一大堆大学的事情
要记得不管多忙 我还是很愿意当你们的倾听者
听你们说台湾有很多漂亮的地方 我就说我也要去
听你们说有多想念马来西亚 然后我偶尔whatsapp这里的照片烦你们

友谊万岁! 8)
在台湾一切要加油 不要一个人很stress很bekcek
要认识很多人 努力努力往梦想前进
加油 保重哦 你们!

yenyee :)

Saturday, 14 September 2013


亲爱的九月,sem 2就这样过了三个星期,好吧我都看见了身边的人开始在努力了,

很喜欢窝在图书馆的感觉,不过这几天一直伤风,去到图书馆简直是一种折磨啊 :(

很期待我们一起温习的时候 我要不断地烦你烦你烦你 :P #114

Happy jog for hope day! :D
6.5公里 变成只走了3.5公里
运动的感觉真的很爽 虽然只是走了一半的路 
哎哟 到底有多少人少走了? 

吃我最喜欢的早餐 看一场电影 逛街走走 我快乐的星期天 悠闲 :D ♥

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Hello sem 2 :)

 十三个星期后 我又要考试了grrr!

这个学期真的真的要很努力啊 :)

我不要第二次的失败 我不要难过 我不要没有scholarship
我不要很down 我不要又觉得没有用
oh加油 亲爱的自己! :P

才两个星期 就觉得很忙碌很压力
四个科目 已经有三份assignments了我的天啊! 

压力 我们分手好不好?

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Oh its sem break!:D

Taadaaaa! Im back finally!:D
More than one month, i dont update my blog.
Well im in sem break so i should update more often but :@

OKAYYY! Its because im working,earning $$ to spend haha :P

A draft in july about my work but i din manage to finish the post haha.

這份工真的很輕鬆 只是很多時候對著電腦
眼睛很容易累 還有一直待在冷氣房裡 有時會冷哈哈
這樣的地方 感覺上工作應該很不錯 :)

My sem break gonna end in 3 days time,
so let me conclude my sem break here (Y)
Guess that it will be a super long post! >_<


Lets start!:D

Yeah! Got my new baby! Note 2 is too big and when i used to it,i realise all phone are too small for me kay!:D It suits me and totally worth! Spending all my salary on it. All right! Nice to the max :P

I will treat you super good baby! Mwah!

Holiday time! Before i start my work, my uni girls plan an outing @ sunway. First official outing of us, but too bad a lot of them dont manage to join :(
Venue time date is a problem to hold a gathering of ten people ishhh D:

Btw still a lovely day with them. Having my favourite bento in the morning and watch Despicable Me 2! We all laugh like a siao in the cinema. Agnes is too cute and make me feel like wanna pinch her cheek hehehe. 
I want to be cute too haha. But i dont have dimples arghhh.

Ba-na-na hahaha. Fall in love with the yellow minions. Adorable to the max!
Love the scene when they are singing in the wedding party (Y)

McD minions. From happy meals haha. I have three :P #HAPPYLIKEAKID

Its friday night so its time to party!:D
Momo night with ze bff-s!:D 

It has been a month for me to meet up with them.
Haihhh im preparing for final while they are all on holiday mood!
So i almost lost contact with them and saying bojio when i know they went for outingsss hahaha!

Well i still love to be with them ;)

Throw me here ishh :( Dont ever forget or i will kill you bwahaha!:P

Appreciate <3

A lunch date with my beloved yeejiat before she flies to singapore!:)

Hahaha we have not meet for more than half year!
Ishhh i fail to join my bestie bday celebration goshhh,just because im having final. Ewww annoying final! :(

End up fail to meet with rou D: But luckily still manage to date yeejiat haha.
I gonna meet them in future but i dont when is the next gathering.
Phew come faster pls :3

Wish you two all the best in singapore! Enjoy :P

Spend my weekend with lovely book!;)

A book that i read twice and now its third time!
Has been searching it in book stores nearby but fail to.

Thanks love <3

Addicted to this game; minion rush ahaha!
Everyone is playing during lunch break :D

And why i always fail to gain higher scores and bananas? :(

A short trip to genting with my loves :P

Overnight @ lw's hs and hit to gombak lrt for the bus to genting on sat.
Teehee sleepless night :O
Sleep in the living room haha!
And talk talk talk when others are slept.

Candid shots ;) 
Ahahaha its boring when we are waiting for the bus so i snap photos of them!:D
*waiting* one hour finally passed! 

And its time to genting :)

A must visit place haha. SEE the domo is wearing shoes! :P
Walk walk walk in genting but we dont go outdoor ishh D:

Well still love the freezing feel;
the cold breeze!
And eating the hot sweet potatoes.
Warm <3

Steamboat night again and bowling time!:D
Grrrrrrrr EVERYONE manages to get good scores,
at least "strike" and "spare" for few times but i din -.-

Ewww :(

The only group photo we have :@ im super ugly zzz

Goodbye genting,we will back soon!;)

I miss the cable car,it has been years for my last ride.
Awesome experience, nice scene and lovely people.
Music rocks!:P

Hugging my new pillow <3

Bring it to pavilion after genting haha. And finally watch the horror movie!
Chit chat and grab some food before movie starts.

Its too scary and i feel like luckily i have the pillow with me -.-
The sound effect and storyline are good! Well i scream in the cinema again haha.

Craving for ban mee when i start working. Its fixed!:D

Work work :D
Hahaha it makes me feel like cheating money at first but hmmm,
no we did the work too pls!:P

Ahahaha working with friends is nice!
Hello my colleagues ;)

Book fair @ KLCC!:D

I love book fair so much and i dont know why *laugh*
Buy a lot of masking tapes and stamps. Pity my purse :(
But i just simply love and satisfied with them!

The art and craft work on instagram inspire me!:D
I want make a lot of cards for the love ones ;)

Little picnic time @ the park after book fair.

Enjoying melaka food hoho xD My souvenirs :P
Im always greedy on food. Food is loveeeeeeeeeee!

Teh tarik place @ Paradigm mall

Randomly have my lunch there as i back sunway to pay for sem 2 fees.
I skip my work haha! Because of a funny reason.
Boys go futsal and they skip work and;
there is no reason for me to work alone so i skip work haha!:P

Btw the roti sardin is really nice! (Y)

Hoho food from 8th floor!:D
They are my favourite at food court;
French toast and ham cheese sandwich haha!:P

I will miss them so much after i leave my work :/

Durian ice @ tongpakfu

Hahaha its funny when you smell durian and you still have to work.
When the users look at you ishhhhh.

But durian is always delicious and i dont care :P
Eat durian eat durian. JOM!:D

Welcome back joeyyyyyyy!:)
4S Ren gathering on weekends,its actually girls gathering hahaha ;)
Plus two boys!:D

Its all about food and school life!
De Pastry Chef western food, Uncle Jang Korean food and desserts *nom nom*

Long lost friends.
It makes me feel so good when i catch up with them.
I miss them,the noisy us in chkl. :@

Visit chkl in the evening. Awww i miss here! :'(

Dont forget our date on 7/9! :P
Futsal ahaha *excited* My girls,take care!:)

This mind map is awesome!;)

How to work in the agae of distraction


Next monday is my last day to work! :O
Time flies,one month le :X

I really have much fun on my work ;)
Eat, Play, Chat, Take photos etcccc

Well sometimes maybe meet weird users and get scolded,
but its always fun when working.
Im always doing easy task ahahaha!

Will miss this place so much after i leave job arghhhhh.

Last yumcha night with them D:

They are late. And still wanna prank me haha.
Im so smart and i realise they are lie-ing wees X)

Next gathering will be farewell adi le grrrr.
Glad to meet these bunch of people in my high school life.
They are awesome!:D Friendship,Still counting on ya (Y)

Hoho next time yumcha will be months later or maybe years.

Take good care of yourself in taiwan.
I will miss you all a lot! :X *finger crossed*


Looks like just simple and short update
BUT  it takes me hours *phew*

Luckily its now done!:D

Goodbye sembreak! :)